It is now open via the page.
FreeFEM is now used as research tool or investigation software by a continuously increasing community gathering scientists from different areas of research (mathematics, physics, finance, healthcare, automotive, etc).
Following the success of the previous workshops on FreeFEM, this new event is aimed to reflect the latest capabilities and applications of the software and to exchange information with other communities involved in the development of generic solvers for PDEs.
The previous editions presentations are available on this repository.
The Lunch are offered, and the Registration is free but mandatory.THURSDAY
Morning session : presentation lien zoom Code secret : 045314014 ID de réunion : 634 846 0832 (from 9H to 18h)
09:00 - 9:45 Room 15-16 309 |
F. Hecht (LJLL, Sorbonne Université) :
FreeFem++ past, news and future ( Zip of Directory of the presentation ) |
9:45 - 10:30 Room 15-16 309 |
P.H Tournier (CNRS,LJLL, Sorbonne Université) :
Documenting FreeFem scripts with Markdown ( Directory of the presentation ) |
10:30 - 11:00 Room 15-16 309 |
Coffe break
11:00 - 11:15 Room 15-16 309 |
S. Legrand (Inria, SED) :
Continuous Integration ( the presentation ) |
11:15 - 12:30 Room 15-16 309 |
P. Jolivet (LIP6, CNRS) : FreeFEM, PETSc, SLEPc, and HPDDM
( the presentation ( the tutorial ) |
12:30 - 13:45 Room 15-16 309 |
Lunch break
14:00 - 18h Room 15-16 309 lien zoom Code secret : 045314014 ID de réunion : 634 846 0832 (from 9H to 18h) | P. Jolivet, P-H Tournier : Expert Tutorial |
14:00 - 18h room 15-25 101 lien zoom ID de réunion : 993 8175 6445 Code secret : FreeFem16 |
Basics Tutorial ( Directory of exemples ) |
Morning :
Room 15-16 309
Lunch :
Room 15-16 309
Seminar :
Room 15-16 309
Afternoon :
Room 15-16 309 (expert tuto)
Afternoon :
Room 16-26 113 (basic tuto)
09:00 - 09:25 Room 15-16 309 |
Mr Alan Riquier :
Using FreeFem to solve the 2d free-surface Navier-Stokes equations with a Lagrangian interface. ( the abstract ) |
09:25 - 09:50 Room 15-16 309 | 634 846 0832
Atsushi Suzuki :
Indefinite direct solver for primal-dual interior method by FreeFEM script ( the abstract ) |
09:50 - 10:15 Room 15-16 309 |
Mr Azoug slimane (visio) :
flows of polymer aqueous solutions with fractional time-derivative. ( the abstract ) |
10:15 - 10:40 Room 15-16 309 |
B. Loire :
Modelling oceanic tides with FreeFEM++ ( the abstract ) |
10:40 - 11:10 Room 15-16 309 |
Coffe break
11h10 - 11:35 Room 15-16 309 |
F. Feppon :
PyFreeFEM: a seamless Python/FreeFEM interface ( the abstract ) |
11:35 - 12:00 Room 15-16 309 |
Dr. Yongxing Wang :
Optimal Flow Control for the Reconstruction of C. elegans Locomotion ( the abstract ) |
12.00 - 12:25 Room 15-16 309 |
Mr. Arun Kishore Eswara (visio) :
Geometry by code in FreeFEM for conjugate heat transfer problems ( the abstract ) |
12:20 - 14:00 Room 15-16 309 |
14:00 - 15:00 Room 15-16 309 |
Angèle Niclas , LJLL Seminar
Reconstruction de défauts dans des plaques élastiques grâce aux résonances ( The abstract (md) ) |
15:15 - 18h Room 16-15 309 lien zoom Code secret : 045314014 ID de réunion : 634 846 0832 (from 9H to 18h) | Expert/MPI session
P. Jolivet1 , P-H. Tournier 2 (LIP6 1), (LJLL, Alpines, CNRS 2) :
15:15 - 18h Room 15-25 101 lien zoom ID de réunion : 993 8175 6445 Code secret : FreeFem16 |
F. Hecht1 , O. Pironneau 2 (LJLL, Alpines, Sorbonne Université1), (LJLL, Sorbonne Université2) :
The conference will be held at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, 4 Place Jussieu, Paris, Tour 15-25 at the 3th floor.
Métro and RER (Transport society)
Station Jussieu (lines 7 & 10)
Station Cluny - La Sorbonne (RER B) within 700m
Station Austerlitz (lines 5, 10 and RER C) within 1000m
Bus (Transport society)
Line 24: station Quai Saint-Bernard
Line 63: station Rue des fossés Saint-Bernard or Quai Saint Bernard
Line 67: station Jussieu
Line 89: station Jussieu, Cardinal Lemoine or Quai Saint
We recommend you to book your hotel room as soon as possible. Here are a few addresses for your information: